Friday, March 8, 2013

In the Sky

{excited for fresh juice}

{I'll take that broccoli please}

{the nice lady who made our juice}

{hmm which one to choose}

{super cool orange squeezer}

{cool kid pose}




                                                          {I picked berry multi-vitamin}

                                               {save water? Mommy thought this was funny}

{over 300 steps to the top of St. Peter's Church}

{kids need a break Mommy}


{Look Mommy!}

{our cool view of Marienplatz}

{views are the reward for explorers}

{next we explored inside the church}

{I saw people doing this}

{so much to look at}


{how did they paint upside down?}


             Zara heart t-shirt, H&M red jeans, Zara jacket, Zara sneakers, Yours And Mayan necklace

The weather is finally starting to get warmer in Germany and it seems like all Mommy wants to do is be in the sunshine! I'm not complaining...I need a reason to wear my cool shades! We hopped on the U-Bahn and rode into the center to visit a market. We found a juicing bar with really delicious juices. We told the lady what ingredients we wanted and she walked over to her fruit and vegetable stand and grabbed our fruits and then started to juice it right in front of us! DELICIOUS! Then Mommy said she had a surprise for me and wanted to show me something really special. We walked around until we found this really old building. I found out it was the oldest church in Munich and people called it St. Peter's or Alte Peter by the locals. Mommy said if we walked all the way to the top that we would be able to see all of the city! She said that explorers are rewarded with beautiful views for their travels. I walked every single step by myself...all 306 of them to be exact! I am a big girl you know? I had to remind my Mom of this every time she offered to hold my hand or carry me. She can be so embarrassing sometimes! The stairways were really really skinny and it was very hard when people were going up and others were going down! Then Mommy would embarrass me some more and say "less talking, more walking!" I heard all sorts of languages while we were making our way up. I thought how cool it was that all of us strangers from around the world were sharing this journey to the top and would look over at Munich together. Mommy says that life is often like a game of connect-the-dots. I thought about how all these people were sharing this dot together and I wondered where all of their next dots would be? Would we ever meet at another dot? We probably would in one of the 5 Starbucks in town. (Ok, yes I admit it, I also have a blueberry muffin addiction along with chocolate) When we finally made it to the top I couldn't believe how high we were!! I felt like a little birdie perched on the highest branch of the biggest tree! No one was taller than me that day! I was the world's tallest toddler in my mind. Most of the grown-ups seemed fascinated by seeing the Alps but I was more intrigued by the size of the humans down below! The only bad thing about climbing up 306 steps is that you have to climb down 306 steps. Everyone started laughing when I said that my shoes were tired and needed a nap! I could have made it the whole way down but I knew it would make my Mom feel important if I let her give me a piggy back ride for the end...I'm kind of considerate like that. To end our adventure we went inside the church to explore. It was like exercise for your eyes! I wanted to look everywhere! It was very quiet and although I intended to spice it up, Mommy insisted that I whisper. I asked her what the people were doing and she said they were talking with their hearts. I looked around and tried this "hands closed, heart talking" too. It was a fantastic day filled with tasty juice, new knowledge, peaceful space, and a lot of exercise! I hope everyone had as UPlifting of a day as me! xoxo- Cami

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